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How to Make Multi-Edge Deployments Work

使多边缘部署工作的一些技术挑战是什么? Mark de Jong, Chairman, CDN联盟, asks Sean McCarthy, Principal Product Manager, Technical, 派拉蒙, “What is holding us back? 需要做些什么来确保我们在工作模式下具有多边缘?”

起程拓殖 麦卡锡说:“我认为这是相当普遍的标准. “多语言支持……这也取决于你的应用程序是什么. So in the case of our multi-CDN strategy, we're able to build logic into either the client, the manifest itself, or DNS to basically load balance the CDNs.他强调,在进行多边缘部署之前,可能需要考虑几个未知的因素. “因此,如果我们有一项服务在流开始之前甚至在流开始之前被调用, how do you know which edge to go to? 您如何知道某个边缘的性能更好、更具成本效益,还是完全失效? 我认为,在进行这些多边缘部署之前,我们需要解决这个问题.”

Pankaj Chaudhari, Architect - Video Delivery, Disney Streaming, mentions several factors. “Monitoring and troubleshooting and taking the logs,他说. “I think there has to be commonality around that.他指出,在依赖不同的基础设施时存在一些问题. “Because we don't operate that infrastructure, [as a client] you are using someone else's infrastructure. 所以你会期望基础设施对你是可用的. 如果某些节点或某些区域由于容量原因不可用,那么应该暂时不可用. I think if that, with those ‘optics’ point of view [of] load and capacity, 我们越不注意它,似乎就越好. But I'm sure there will always be edge cases. Like in our case, we do want to understand network capacity, 所以我们在如何与CDN互动方面可以更有活力一点,因为我们的玩家更聪明一点.”

Chaudhari强调,在实现无缝多边缘部署的广泛容量之前,还有很长的路要走. “I'd imagine that some point down the road, 我可能会说,我们也应该知道你有多少计算能力, or how much of storage capacity you have, like edge databases,他说. “We are certainly not there yet. 但也许会有一种情况,在这种情况下,更多地了解边缘是如何运作的……随着越来越多的边缘开始被用于这些用例,这可能变得相关.”

De Jong says, “Let’s go back to CDNs in general. They're always referred [to as] black boxes, right? 我们希望在边缘的黑盒子上有更多的透明度,只是为了有更多的理解,特别是因为边缘有更多的变量,而不仅仅是CDN, [which are] typically capacity or storage and that's it. But there're much more variables with edge in that regard.”

Chaudhari says, “在未来的某个时候,客户总是会问很多问题,你必须敞开心扉,这样……供应商和客户之间才能相互理解, so better use of infrastructure can happen.”

McCarthy agrees and says, “Managing the edge infrastructure, it's kind of a blessing and a curse in that regard. 它的能见度,以及今天我们甚至看不到它的事实. 它有好有坏,因为它不像我们在自己的Kubernetes基础设施中部署的许多应用程序. We have full DevOps eyes on everything on the infrastructure. 幸运的是我们不需要担心这个……我们知道我们的边缘计算提供商会随着负载的增加而扩展,它可以工作,而且还没有崩溃,这很好, 但如果有一天它坏了,或者这些计算实例超载了,我们就需要可见性."

最终, McCarthy says, “我们必须找到一种媒介,让我们真正想要的基础设施具有多大的可见性和控制力. [With] the few deployments we have today, 我觉得我们不用担心那些事是一种福气. It's one less thing for our DevOps to worry about.  That could change in the future.”

Learn more about multi-edge deployments at Streaming Media East 2023.

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